Aerial monitoring of pipeline networks with a competent crew considering all relevant parameters

CHARM® has been in commercial use since 2008. To date, over 107.000 km of gas pipelines have been inspected for various gas grid operators across Europe.

Experienced GIS specialists evaluate DVGW G501-certified CHARM® system measurements
What is CHARM®?
CHARM® (CH4 Airborne Remote Monitoring) is a new laser-based technology for remotely detecting methane and can be used to detect leaks in gas pipelines, to determine the emission of methane-emitting facilities and to locate gas emissions over wide-spread areas (e.g. on landfills). CHARM® was jointly developed by ADLARES and DLR (German Aerospace Center) on behalf of Open Grid Europe GmbH (formerly Ruhrgas AG).
Data analysis and Web GIS
Survey results are made available to the customer online in a password-protected area. The Web GIS can be used on a desktop computer with most web browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) or as an app for Android and iOS mobile devices. Leak indications can be located, analyzed and documented directly in the field with a GPS-capable tablet.